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Exceptional real estate marketing is vital to the success of any business. After the challenges of last year, however, coming up with innovative ways to connect with your customers has become more difficult. After all, the magic of your marketing doesn’t just come from the flyers or emails you send; it’s the way you engage with your clients over the material that really stands out.

In order to target your efforts for maximum results, you’ll need to make your marketing materials come alive.

Sending monthly value-add pieces is a great place to start. Mail your top clients timely information on topics such as tax preparation, buyer and seller trends, time management and more. You can also supplement that information with a value-add email on a similar topic.

Once you’ve made monthly contact with your clients, it’s time to bring that marketing piece to life. Here are a few ways to follow up with your marketing pieces to separate yourself from the crowd and generate more leads.

Make a Call
One powerful way to capitalize on the value-add flyer you mail is to call your clients to see if they have received what you sent them. Remember that every meaningful conversation you have with a client can develop and strengthen the relationship. Ask them about the content and any takeaways they may have had.

Write a Note
Instead of calling, you could choose to write to your clients to check in. Everyone appreciates a handwritten note. Keep it short and sweet and remind them that you are always on hand to answer any of their real estate questions.

Host a Facebook Live
Social media is a great way to reach out and connect with your clients. Consider hosting a Facebook Live to expand on the topic covered by the marketing mailer you sent. This isn’t as daunting as it may seem and will allow you to connect with your clients, friends and family in a more intimate way.

Write a Blog Post
Writing a blog post about the subject is a great way to dig deeper into the topic in question, providing yet another opportunity to connect with your customers. A blog post doesn’t need to be an entire novel. A short and helpful feature will hit just the right note.

Smart real estate marketing can add value to your business in 2021, but you must maximize your strategy to optimize results. To do this, you need a proven system that puts your clients first and keeps you front and center.

To take your real estate marketing plan to the next level, check out Referral Maker® PRO. The Referral Maker PRO marketing kit includes impactful materials, such as monthly notecards, marketing flyers and countless other benefits that will help you deliver a rock-solid marketing and lead generation strategy for 2021.

To learn more, please visit buffiniandcompany.com.