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Every successful real estate agent knows how to tell a story. From helping families imagine what their lives can look like in a new home to writing creative listing descriptions that sell every inch of a property, compelling storytelling is a big part of the job. So why not incorporate this into your social media posts?

Stories can be relatable and help make connections that you may otherwise have not made. They can also drive emotion, giving an added value to the listings or services that you are selling. Whether you are looking to boost engagement across your social platforms or build trust with prospects and clients, storytelling offers an authentic form of marketing that will capture the attention of your audience and grow your sphere of influence.

Here are a few ways you can incorporate storytelling into your social media posts:

Showcase the Neighborhood
While writing up each of your listing descriptions, be sure to showcase more than just the price and home features. Whether your clients are moving from a different state or simply looking to move to the other side of town, highlighting aspects of a neighborhood or area can help increase interest in your properties. Maybe a new restaurant just opened in town that caters to families or the particular neighborhood is known for their annual block party. Creating a compelling story about the neighborhood and its surroundings—be it businesses, community or even schools—will drive more interest and help reach the right buyers. When you illustrate what it will be like for a buyer to live not only in a particular home, but also the community. And, as an added bonus, using storytelling in your property descriptions can even help you win more listings in the future!

Share Client Testimonials
Having a good reputation in this industry will take you very far and offer you plenty of opportunities in your business. Client testimonials give you a chance to showcase your skills, knowledge and work ethic in the real estate space, and can help boost your credibility and drive interest for new leads and listings. When it comes to telling a compelling story, testimonials are a prime space for visual storytelling, utilizing the power of video for promotional marketing. Ask your clients to sit down and film their testimonial to share across your social platforms. This will help promote your business to potential clients in an authentic way, offering relatability and a sense of who you are and what type of agent you will be in their buying or selling journey.

Highlight Your Clients 
Your clients are the backbone of your real estate business. Show your appreciation by adding some client highlights to your social media feeds. Whether you just closed on a couple’s first home or you are celebrating a family’s buying anniversary, these storytelling posts can help boost your engagement and encourage referrals. Your clients will enjoy seeing their stories being told, while your leads will recognize how dedicated and enthusiastic you will be as an agent. These posts will also drive attention to your brand, inspiring potential leads to choose you for their real estate needs. Post a photo or video alongside a quick story about your client with their permission. Building trust and a good reputation with your clients can help build up your business and help your social media pages attract more attention and grow your audience.

Celebrate Milestones
If you have reached a milestone, such as 10 years in the business or opening a new brokerage office, share it with your social sphere! Your followers, clients and leads will be happy to see your successes. In addition to your regular content posts, listings, testimonials and client highlights, it is always nice to take a moment to celebrate yourself and your business. Tell your story about how you got where you are today and how you plan to build your business in the future. This will give your audience a chance to get to know you in a more authentic way, see how far you have come in the industry and the amount of hard work and time you have dedicated to your business. Don’t be shy when sharing your accomplishments, as these can also help you stand out from the competition and win over clients.

Paige Brown is RISMedia’s content editor. Email her your real estate news ideas to pbrown@rismedia.com.