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If you feel marketing yourself isn’t your strongest skill set, don’t worry—you are not alone. If it makes you feel better, marketing isn’t the core of your job anyway; however, it is something you need to do to promote yourself, your business and your properties.

Working with brokers and agents every day on this very topic, we at Amarki are always asked the same question: “Where do I start if I want to up my marketing game?”

While the detailed game plan is a little different for everyone, the starting point should always be the same. Ask yourself the following questions and be brutally honest with yourself:

1. When was the last time you tried something new? Marketing evolves every day. Are you evolving?

2. Have you ever asked anyone for help or had a fresh set of eyes give you feedback on what you are currently doing?

3. Have you tried using a marketing tool to help you? The digital marketing landscape is evolving quickly and testing new strategies and programs should be part of keeping up.

4. When was the last time you broke out of your comfort zone?

If you feel you could benefit from a second set of eyes, Amarki can help.

Amarki invites you to contact us for a FREE marketing workshop to answer any questions you may have or to hear about what top agents and brokerages are doing these days. Feel free to book a time HERE.

Alternatively, you can up your marketing game by using Amarki to help create, schedule and deploy your digital marketing efforts for as low as $10/month.  Learn more about Amarki and register for your account by clicking here.

Amarki was built by real estate experts for brokerages and agents based on years of industry experience and first-hand feedback. We developed a marketing tool accessible to anyone, no matter the experience or marketing budget. By providing an intuitive tool that works “for” the agent, Amarki is able to remove the complexity of marketing tasks making agents more active.