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Real estate agents are known for wearing several hats in the industry, but graphic designer isn’t typically one of them. There are design apps that can make that hat an easy fit and take your social media content to new heights with minimal time and skill.

There are plenty of ways to reap the benefits of apps like Canva, Visme and PicMonkey in your social media content efforts, with free and paid versions offering different features and templates that agents can use with ease.

Here are four action items to consider that will help you get the most out of such platforms.

Design Consistency
A mark of a solid social media marketing strategy is consistency, and with design apps, you can make that happen for all your social media posts, no matter the platform.

With Canva, for example, the platform has an array of social media post templates for Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. With an easy user interface, the platform offers quick copy and resizing features that you can use on your graphics to keep your design layouts consistent across social media platforms.

All you need to do is design the first post layout, and you can keep your graphics machine running with the click of a tab.

Digestible Data  
As an agent, you have information at your disposal that you can leverage to educate your audience and showcase your expertise. To do that, you must first make it more digestible and appealing for people.

Apps such as Canva and Visme have an array of preset templates that can help you organize data points into appealing infographics or charts and graphs that you can post on your website and social media accounts and use in your email marketing strategy.

These features pair nicely with market information that you want to make more digestible for your audience.

Client and Lead Outreach
While written letters and phone calls are always appreciated and needed in your outreach arsenal, design apps and platforms can also help spruce up this process and open doors for engaging with people online.

Easy-to-use templates help you create great postcards that you can personalize, upload, and send to prospective and existing clients online or through text.

Apps like Adobe Spark, Design Wizard and Visme also provide options for animated videos and gifs to boost engagement on your social media channels and website.

Client Testimonials
Client testimonials are essential to building rapport and trust with people, which is why agents use them whenever possible.

You can upload a “Just Sold” photo into any number of these design apps and take a couple of minutes to add your logo and testimonial copy in a beautiful font. The residual benefit is that you’ll have a reusable graphic for all your online marketing needs now and in the future.

With a bit of practice on any of these design apps, you’ll be producing professional-quality design that will boost your social media content in no time.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate content editor. Email him your real estate news ideas at jgrice@rismedia.com.