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Following up is critical to staying top of mind and nurturing relationships to convert leads into clients.

While most agents are familiar with checking in with phone calls and emails, getting creative with how you follow up with your leads never hurts. There are more than a few ways to show you are a relatable agent they should work with, from personalized video thank you messages to proactively answering frequently asked questions.

To start, try incorporating these four creative follow-up tactics into your relationship-building strategy to turn those on-the-fence leads into loyal clients.

Video Texts
Rather than sending a text or an email, go the extra mile and record a custom video thanking them—by name—for getting in touch with you and expressing interest. Create a connection with your lead by being authentic and showing your personality in the message.

Make sure to end your video text by leaving the door open for them to contact you with further questions.

Neighborhood Profile
During your first encounter with a prospect, gather details of what they may be looking for in a home. Then, wow them with a recorded neighborhood profile of an area that fits their preferences.

If you have a property or an area that they may be interested in, head into the community and profile the different businesses and landmarks beloved in the area to showcase a possible landing spot for them.

Digital Postcards
Who doesn’t like a personal thank you card? While physically writing one is also a great follow-up option, take it further by making it digital. Create a virtual postcard using apps like Canva or Visme. Both design platforms have plenty of templates—including animated options—that you can customize with your brand logo and colors.

After meeting with prospects, copy your template and write a personalized message with links to your contact information, website and social media accounts. You can also provide some additional market and listing information for them to hold onto.

The ‘Little Details’ Text/Call
Phone and text follow-ups are tried-and-true tactics, but they don’t always have to be about business or listings. During your first lead meeting, note a few things during your conversations with the prospective client that aren’t directly related to real estate.

Perhaps they mentioned a child’s soccer game coming up or a special event or hobby they have. Whatever little detail(s) you gather from your first encounter, lean on those when you follow up with your client. This will show them that you were genuinely listening to them during your meeting and will help build a rapport with them.

Explore different relationship-building methods that will keep you top of mind and showcase your value as an agent.

Agents, what are some creative ways that you follow up with your leads?

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jgrice@rismedia.com.