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Editor’s Note: This article is the second part of a two-part series. Find part one here.

LinkedIn is more than just a networking site; it’s also a way to build your brand authority, and position yourself as the “go-to person” when it comes to real estate. In part two of this article, the remaining elements are addressed that keep your profile polished, streamlined and updated so that it works for you rather than against you.

LinkedIn is, primarily, a platform that facilitates networking. The more connections you have, the more potential clients and spokespeople you gain. Connect with everyone you already know personally, as well as any new clients or associates you happen to meet—especially those who’ve proven profitable in the past.

Your summary is critical because it’s a chance to expound upon your headline. The summary is the synopsis that convinces people to do business with you and is your chance to put your creativity and enthusiasm on display.

Your summary is an advertisement for your business, so put your best foot forward and be sure to clearly explain these two things: whom you help and how you help them. Offer a free ebook or PDF to people who connect with you or include a simple invitation to connect. A solid summary will help you get found, gain followers and connections, and represent your brand in the best possible light.

New LinkedIn users tend to publish their entire resume here as if they were applying for a new job. You already have a job: You’re the best real estate professional in town, and this is where you prove it. Only list experience that directly points to your skill as a real estate agent. Read back over this section when you’re done updating it, and try seeing it through the eyes of potential connections. Is your experience enticing enough for them to choose to do business with you? Finally, make sure this section is marked as public, so it’s visible to everyone.

If you run a blog, LinkedIn is a great place to display your best-performing posts. Publishing your most popular articles on LinkedIn will help drive steady traffic from your profile to your blog and, therefore, to your business.

Honors, Awards and Recommendations
Any time you win an award or get officially recognized for your achievements, you’ll want to update your profile right away. Real estate agents who’ve won several honors and accolades appear especially impressive to prospective clients.

Even better than awards are positive recommendations. Always ask your best clients to recommend you to others on LinkedIn. Then, mention your recommendations and include a request to connect in your summary.

Fathom Realty currently operates in 33 states with over 6,900 agents. Agents enjoy a higher net income through Fathom’s 100% commission, transaction fee compensation model, allowing them to invest more money into growing their business. Fathom agents also earn stock grants based on their contribution to revenue and company growth. To learn more about Fathom, visit www.fathomlife.com.