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Successful real estate professionals know it’s critical to stay connected with clients. With the holiday season in full swing, Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to get creative about engaging with past, present, and future clients.

For many folks, the holiday season is a time to reconnect with friends and family. It’s also a great time to do the same for your clients.

From running a Thanksgiving contest on social media to bringing people together to watch football and give back to the community, here are some of the best ways to reconnect with your sphere and generate some leads during Thanksgiving week:

Holiday Notes and Postcards
Writing personalized postcards to your clients can keep you top of mind and show that you still care. Including a picture of you and your team is a must, but you can also take it up a notch by sending your postcard with some freshly baked goodies.

Depending on your budget, you could also invest in magnet postcards that your clients can put on their refrigerators. Not only will that be memorable, but it’s also bound to get fresh eyes on it as people start throwing their holiday parties.

Run a Thanksgiving Competition
Thanksgiving is a time for engaging and interacting. What is more interactive than a fun contest? Set up a social media campaign that encourages your followers to get into the holiday spirit by posting photos of their Thanksgiving feast or decorations at home. Set up a catchy hashtag and have people tag you to enter in a chance to win a prize. Set up a deadline and project day to announce a winner and continue to promote it on all your accounts and emails.

Be sure to check with your brokerage for any restrictions on gifting and contest wording.

Football Watch Parties
You can always count on big games being on TV during Thanksgiving. Depending on your brokerage and state’s COVID-19 protocols, hosting a watch party for past clients either at your home or at the office is worth considering. Not only is it an excellent way to generate some referrals, but it’s also a great way to create some holiday memories.

Set Up a Canned Food Drive
You see them all the time during the holidays. If there was ever a great time to donate food to people’s needs, Thanksgiving is it. Reach out to a local organization or group running a canned food drive and set up noninvasive donation boxes at your office, home or local businesses—if you have permission. Once the logistics are set, promote it on social media and over email to get clients involved. Even if you don’t get many cans, you can include your contact information and branding on the box, along with information about how to donate in other ways.

When it comes to reaching out to your clients this week, keep in mind that it’s the thought that counts. Take the time to add personal touches that will make you memorable.

Agents, how else are you reaching out to potential clients this Thanksgiving?

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news ideas to jgrice@rismedia.com.