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Every successful agent knows how important trust is in building and maintaining relationships that will sustain your career.

Trust can be the difference between brand obscurity and standing out from your competition when it comes to your social media marketing effort, so it’s vital that you take time to inspire loyalty with your digital presence.

From implementing personal storytelling to providing followers with unique experiences, here are a few strategies that will position you as a trustworthy real estate professional online.

Share your story.

As an agent, you should be familiar with storytelling and its importance in your social media and overall marketing strategy. Sure, you may share a story about a listing or a client testimonial, but telling your story is just as important, if not more, when trying to develop trust among your followers. The more people know about you and your brand, the more reasons they have to be loyal when you approach them about being a client or for referrals.

No matter your experience level, share your personal and professional values. Talk about why you got into the business and why you love being a real estate agent. These approaches are essential to building a connection with your followers and potential clients.

Educate your followers.

People spend hours a day on social media because they want to get some value out of the experience. Some of the more successful content across platforms tends to be geared toward teaching people about something of interest.

As an agent, you have access to a trove of data and information that you can use to your advantage in your social media posts. Quick-hit videos and infographics—like the ones provided by RISMedia’s ACESocial—are worthwhile options that will spruce up your content offering and position you as a source for valuable information.

Provide an experience.

You can’t go wrong with providing followers with an experience on your social media pages. Implementing polls and surveys can make users feel like they are part of something important, while video tours and virtual open houses provide immersive experiences.

People also love participating in activities, such as contests that encourage them to follow and hashtag, to giveaway opportunities where they can win something by sharing your page.

Whichever route you choose, keep in mind that the goal should be to promote interactions that encourage people to come back and spread the word about you and your brand.

Nurture interactions.

Speaking of interacting, part of developing familiarity with a brand is its visibility across social media. To accomplish this, you will need to engage with followers and non-followers whenever possible. Set up live stream videos and Q&A sessions where you can create a conversation around a topic of interest. Connect with people in the comments section and through your inbox.

While each of these tips can help you boost familiarity and trust among your social media following, it’s up to you to maintain consistency. As you look to implement these practices in your social media strategy, commit to executing them over an extended period of time, keeping your branding consistent.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news to jgrice@rismedia.com.