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Client relationships are paramount to every agent’s business, but sometimes even the best real estate professionals lose touch with consumers over time.

While lead generation is top of mind for every agent this year, maintaining and renewing relationships with former clients can be a significant boon for the agents that are willing to take the time to reach back out.

From recognizing a special anniversary to re-adding folks on social media, here are some ways to reconnect with former clients and let them know they are on your mind

Saying Thank You 
Sharing your gratitude isn’t just for the holidays. It’s an excellent way to let clients that you worked with recently know that you appreciated their business. There are many ways to thank your sphere of influence, from handwritten “thank you” cards and small gifts to a quick phone or Zoom call. Not only will this help nurture the relationship with your client, but it will also keep you top of mind when they have a referral opportunity.

Celebrate Special Dates
Reaching out to a former client after a year or more has passed with no communication can feel a little awkward, especially when trying to figure out a genuine reason to drum up a conversation. Reaching out to acknowledge a particular date or event with a card or gift can be an excellent way to refresh that client relationship.

Use upcoming birthdays, holidays and anniversaries—such as the date they closed on their home—as a reason to check back in and let them know you still remember them.

Leverage Social Media
Sometimes a friend request or follow is all it takes to jog someone’s memory. In this case, you could lean on social media to rekindle a conversation with a client that you lost touch with. Reach out to them via social media and do a bit of catching up. If they are receptive, try sharing some of your content and invite them to tune into a virtual event you’ll host.

Share Market Information
A well-timed market analysis can go a long way toward getting back in touch with clients or leads that you’ve lost contact with, especially as the market shifts this year. Reach out a couple of times this year with some valuable information about what is going on in their respective areas. Try to frame this outreach as a friendly update rather than a sales pitch to renew that connection with them.

While your schedule may be pretty tight as you meet new people this year, set some time over the weekend to review past transactions and notes on clients to refresh your memory. Then work them into your outreach plans throughout the year.

Jordan Grice is RISMedia’s associate online editor. Email him your real estate news to jgrice@rismedia.com.