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Gift-giving occasions are always exciting, and there’s no doubt there’s a lot of joy surrounding them. Whether you just had a birthday, wedding or baby shower, or just celebrated a major holiday, there are some tasks you should tackle after getting gifts to keep things running smoothly. Make sure you check these four to-dos off your list after the next gift-giving occasion.

Send Thank You Notes

A handwritten note may be a classic option, but it’s never out of style. Saying thank you for any gifts you receive is proper etiquette and simply good manners. Be sure you thank anyone who goes through the effort of sending a card or gift; everyone will appreciate a handwritten note, and it doesn’t have to be complex or difficult.

Donate Dated Items

Making room for a new gift means donating an old item that may not fit your aesthetic or your needs any longer. This is especially important if you are receiving a replacement for an old or dated item. Many homeowners make the mistake of keeping their old or worn items “just in case”, only to find that their home is cluttered, and they’re not sure why. Keep your home looking its best by recycling or donating anything that doesn’t have a place after you get a new gift.

Organize Your New Item

We often hear the phrase ‘a place for everything and everything in its place,’ but we sometimes forget to create a place for our new favorite items. This can lead to a sense of clutter and overwhelm when it comes time to clean up your home. Whenever you get something new, be sure to find the perfect spot for it; if you cannot, it may be time to declutter and reorganize.

Fill Out Any Registration Paperwork

Many high-value items have paperwork that customers can fill out to register their gifts with the manufacturer. Unfortunately, many consumers never complete this task. This can be unfortunate if your item has a warranty that is never activated. It is also a hazardous mistake for baby and children items. These registration papers can be extremely vital because only by filling out this important paperwork can manufacturers alert you to recalls that affect your items.