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Macro-focused meal plans are an excellent way to meet your fitness and wellness goals without sacrificing flavor or restricting any food groups. While a macro meal plan can be a bit of a learning curve, once you have the hang of the system, you’ll learn how to naturally balance your foods in a way that is satiating and fuels your wellness goals. Here are some helpful tips for a macro-friendly meal plan.

Plan Ahead

Knowing what you’re going to eat ahead of time takes a lot of the pressure off eating within a macro constriction. The best part of a macro-based food plan is the ability to eat any foods in moderation. However, with no specific foods off-limits, it’s important to pre-plan your day to ensure you have a balanced and satiating day ahead of you.

Understand Your Favorite Foods

Your favorite foods are your favorites for a reason–they’re delicious! Unfortunately, that can mean an unhealthy balance of sugars, excess carbohydrates, or an unhealthy amount of fat. While they can be incorporated into a balanced lifestyle, it’s important to understand how your favorite foods are composed–and how they make you feel after you indulge! 

Find Healthy Substitutes

Restaurant meals and processed foods are designed to be tasty and exciting to eat, which means flavor is often a priority over health. Finding macro-friendly and nutrient-dense alternatives to favorite recipes, foods and ingredients is a great way to make sure you feel satisfied without sacrificing your wellness goals. Make your own pastries and desserts at home with less sugar, or opt to replace your sour cream with a protein-rich greek yogurt. Add a little spinach or arugula to your sauces and soups for an extra punch of micronutrients. Little changes can add up over time and have a big impact on your health.

Search for Quick Options

Everyone gets busy and needs quick on-the-go options. The difference between fitness experts and amateurs is how you prepare for these moments. Find healthy quick-serve items in your local stores and restaurants. Look for items with whole food ingredients, lots of veggies, and minimal added fats and sugars. Rotisserie chickens are a great protein-packed option when you cannot cook, and frozen veggies have all the nutrients without all the prep. The key to busy days is knowing what is available in your area before you feel the stress of a chaotic schedule.