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Stellar MLS has partnered with the Appraisal Institute on their Practical Applications of Real Estate Appraisal program (AI PAREA). 

This collaboration will provide benefits to both real estate professionals and consumers, the two organizations say, as they work together to enhance the appraisal process. AI PAREA, an online program, is an alternative pathway for aspiring appraisers to gain the required experience hours to become a licensed or certified appraiser, using a standardized approach. 

Historically, according to a release, the only option for an appraiser to complete their experience hours was through a supervisor and trainee model, requiring the trainee to find their own supervisor. With the AI PAREA program, participants can appraise properties virtually with an Appraisal Institute Designated Member to mentor them through the path to credentialing. 

Stellar MLS stated that each mentor will answer questions, offer constructive feedback, and help participants to develop the problem-solving skills necessary throughout an appraiser’s career. The partnership will focus on integrating a renowned Appraisal Institute program into the Stellar MLS platform, thereby providing real estate professionals with direct access to some of the most comprehensive and advanced appraisal resources available. 

Stellar MLS CEO, Merri Jo Cowen said, “Stellar MLS is proud to be the first MLS to answer the Appraisal Institute’s call for collaboration in building this innovative program. This partnership and the development of AI PAREA signifies a shared dedication to fostering a culture of excellence and success.” 

Shayne Fairley, Stellar MLS COO, expressed similar sentiments, stating “We know that when appraisers are set up for success, we all succeed. We are confident that this collaboration will greatly benefit the broader real estate community.” Appraisal Institute President Craig Steinley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS, also shared, “The AI PAREA‥program will create tremendous opportunities for aspiring appraisers to meet the experience requirements and open a pathway to entering this respected and rewarding profession.” 

For more information, visit https://www.stellarmls.com/