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Inside Real Estate has announced the launch of new back office capabilities in kvCORE through an expanded integration with Brokermint, a cloud-based back office and transaction management software.

The deep integration is powered by the unification of the data layer, allowing agents to seamlessly align the kvCORE and Brokermint platforms, and answering the need for an end-to-end solution for real estate businesses, as stated by InsideRE. An integrated front office and back office provides visibility into the entire business transaction, ensures information is accurate, and creates a streamlined and efficient process from lead-to-close. Business owners get a “birds-eye view” of the entire business process, agents have the tools they need to generate leads and close deals, and back-office employees enjoy efficiency gains to move quickly and accurately through transactions, the company said.

InsideRE stated that the back office solution handles everything from commissions, offers, and e-Signatures, to accounting, transaction management and reporting. With the integration, back office teams can work their system while agents, team leaders, and brokers utilize kvCORE’s lead generation and customer relationship management solutions, and all information is seamlessly synced.

“We are continuously focused on helping our customers create “clients for life” with tools to manage their entire client lifecycle seamlessly,” said Joe Skousen, Founder & CEO of Inside Real Estate. “Unifying the front office and back office, and streamlining that data, closes the loop on the transaction process, and helps agents deliver more value at every step. This integration is deeper than any prior capabilities with kvCORE, and it creates a foundation for continued innovation and efficiency gains.”

For more information, visit https://www.insiderealestate.com/brokermint